April 2024
I’m delighted that the anthology Three Strikes–You’re Dead! has been released. It has fourteen short stories mixing sports and crime, including my story “A Matter of Trust.” In this story, when an emotional eater cycles past a donut shop, his weight-loss plans–and so much more–go awry. The anthology was published by Wildside Press and was edited by Donna Andrews, Marcia Talley, and me.
Reader Sherri Mayer said of the book, “It’s a truly striking cover … and the stories in it are even better.” In June, author and editor Robert Lopresti named “A Matter of Trust“ his favorite read of the week on his blog. Click here to read what he said.
Paperback and ebook copies can be ordered from Amazon (click here). You also can purchase paperback copies from Barnes & Noble (click here) and ebook copies directly from the publisher to avoid the middleman (click here).